
By people – For people

Population growth, urbanization, digitalization and a continuously expanding middle class are trends leading to an increased need of sustainable transport. In all our actions, we need to consider how to reduce climate impact, use the world’s resources more efficiently, and conduct business more responsibly. Improving efficiency in transportation through new technologies will be necessary and our industry is undergoing what is perhaps its greatest transformation ever.

The Volvo sustainability framework is centered around Climate, Resources and People. 

Making the world a better place

We have been committed to social, environmental, and economic responsibility since the start of our company. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is part of the Volvo Trucks culture. It is a basis for confidence and credibility, it creates value for our customers, employees, shareholders, and society – and it contributes to long-term sustainable development. Our CSR activities are based on three key pillars: Economic Responsibility, Social Responsibility, and Environmental Responsibility.

Social responsibility

By people. For people

We are part of people’s lives. The thousands of people who work for us. The hundreds of thousands who work for our partners and suppliers. And the millions who interact with our trucks every day. Our products help ensure that you have food on the table, transport to the airport, and newly constructed roads to drive on, to mention some examples.

Environmental Responsibility

Minimize carbon footprints

Protecting the environment is the biggest challenge we face. That’s why we’re so committed to environmental responsibility. And have been for decades. Some examples of recent developments are gas-powered trucks and fully-electric trucks. And the electromobility journey is accelerating with more products and services.

Economic Responsibility

Caring pays off

To create value for our shareholders, we need to create value for our customers in providing premium products and services that make our customers more competitive, productive, and ultimately more profitable. This strategy contributes to the development and growth of societies across the world.

Sound risk management and sustainable business practices are also part of our economic responsibility. Our Code of Conduct governs our business ethics. It also ensures neutrality towards political parties and candidates.

Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Download the Modern slavery statement 2022 PDF.

Modern Slavery Statement 2022 (PDF)

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