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  • 啟動綠色運輸,減少水泥產品範疇三碳排 Volvo Trucks非常榮幸地宣布,與台灣通運共同創造歷史新章,台灣通運率先購入首輛Volvo電動曳引車,於今(18)日舉辦的「低碳EV綠色運輸啟動儀式」這場盛會中,進行Volvo重卡的交車儀式,宣告台泥將成為國內第一家使用電動曳引車運送水泥的公司,標誌著邁向低碳運輸的重要里程。台灣通運董事長辜公怡、台泥總經理程耀輝、Volvo Trucks銷售及營銷副總裁Johan Selvén及太古汽車集團行政總裁佟德望、太古商用車總監陳偉忠皆親臨現場,表達對此次合作的極度重視。全新設計、未來載運台泥散裝低碳水泥的電動曳引車與槽桶也首度亮相。

  • Volvo Trucks has scooped the prestigious industry award for its Volvo FH Electric. It’s the first time ever that an electric truck wins the award.

  • Wattanakol Transports 2001 Co., Ltd., a prominent player in Thailand's transportation industry, is making significant strides with the acquisition of 14 units of new Volvo FH trucks, a testament to their unwavering commitment to delivering excellence in cross-border heavy haulage. These new additions include 10 trucks with 440 HP and 4 trucks with a powerful 610 HP, marking a significant expansion and diversification of their fleet.

  • Volvo Trucks continues to lead the market while advancing markets globally. After providing the first environmentally friendly transportation in a few Southeast Asian regions, we are currently having positive discussions with customers in Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and Thailand. Even if the market for renewable fuels is still small, a definite trend can be seen: many of our clients are now starting their own move to environmentally friendly transportation. Volvo Trucks provides services that can help our clients prevent empty truckloads, cut down on waste in the transportation system, and improve logistics. This will benefit both the environment and the operators.

  • A national network of public fast chargers for heavy electric trucks is opening in Sweden. The charging network is powered by renewable energy. A new service from Volvo Trucks makes it easy for haulers to find and access the charging stations.

  • Volvo Trucks introduced the Volvo FE Electric 6x2R for urban mobility at the exhibition on September 14–15, 2023 in Hong Kong, with the aim of focusing on the relationship between emerging sectors and renewable energy.

  • Time to celebrate! Today it’s 30 years since Volvo Trucks introduced the Volvo FH, the company’s most sold truck ever. From its start, Volvo’s flagship model has been characterized by its distinctive exterior and interior design, superb driver comfort and technically advanced efficiency and safety solutions.

  • 为在新加坡市场推动车辆零排放转型,沃尔沃卡车与 DSV Air & Sea 签署备忘录。沃尔沃 FL 电动卡 车将主要用于市区运输。

  • 在這個充滿綠色能量的時代,Volvo Trucks榮幸的宣布與WRC PACIFIC, LTD世界資源亞太股份有限公司(簡稱WRCP)攜手合作,於太古高雄旗艦服務中心舉行首台電動卡車交車暨賞車會。

  • Volvo Trucks and mining company Boliden now joining forces to implement electric truck transport in underground environments.

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