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  • At an exclusive event at the TEC Equipment dealership in Fontana, California, Volvo Trucks offered a first look at its North American Class 8 battery-electric project trucks. In Europe, Volvo Trucks recently started sales of electric trucks for urban transports and demonstrated electric concept trucks for construction operations and regional distribution. By utilizing existing electromobility technology within the Volvo Group, Volvo Trucks in North America has been able to integrate those technologies into the existing North American VNR model.

  • Volvo Trucks has launched the new Volvo FH featuring a re-imagined cab, innovative safety features and a driver focused working environment. A key aim of the new design is to give the driver a more productive, safe and comfortable life on the road.

  • Volvo Trucks has launched its all new Volvo FMX with an entirely new cab, increased payloads and innovative safety features. With increased front axle loads of up to 20 tonnes and a 38 tonne bogie, the new Volvo FMX is built for the toughest conditions and most demanding assignments.

  • Volvo Trucks is introducing four new trucks, with a strong focus on the driver environment, safety and productivity. “We are really proud of this big forward-looking investment. Our aim is to be our customers’ best business partner by making them even more competitive and help them attract the best drivers in an increasingly tough market,” says Roger Alm, President Volvo Trucks. The four heavy-duty trucks; Volvo FH, FH16, FM and FMX, represent about two thirds of Volvo Trucks’ deliveries.

  • Volvo Trucks has launched a new generation of the Volvo FH16 which successfully combines new safety features, a driver centric working environment and the latest technologies to give customers enhanced productivity. The new flagship model belongs to Volvo Trucks’ next generation of vehicles designed with the driver in mind.

  • Volvo Trucks has launched the next-generation Volvo FM packed with improvements to the driver environment and innovations that deliver a higher level of comfort, safety and productivity. “Spacious and with exceptional visibility, the new Volvo FM heavy duty truck is designed to be the ultimate workplace on wheels in all segments,” states Roger Alm, President of Volvo Trucks.

  • Volvo Trucks’ latest launch film has reached new heights. To demonstrate the power and strength of its four new vehicles, Volvo built a colossal 15-metre, 58-tonne truck tower, stacking its four new trucks on top of one another. Adding to that, they stood president Roger Alm on top.

  • The Volvo FH with I-Save is now being launched in an even more fuel-efficient version that can cut fuel costs by up to nine percent. This marks a significant improvement of two percentage points on the previous generation.

  • Hauliers and transport buyers are increasingly interested in reducing their CO2 emissions and costs through the use of refrigerated liquefied gas as a fuel. For this reason, the new Volvo FH and Volvo FM trucks will have engines that run on liquefied natural gas and biogas, which offer the same high performance as diesel engines. Using biogas makes it possible to achieve carbon-neutral transport and reduce CO2 emissions by up to 100%.

  • The new heavy Volvo Trucks, now being released for sale in <add country>, have been developed to maximise drivers’ opportunities to do their job effectively, safely and responsibly. All models – the Volvo FH, Volvo FH16, Volvo FM and Volvo FMX – have a new, flexible user interface with a digital instrument panel that gives the driver relevant information in each situation. In addition, the Volvo FM and FMX have new cabs that give the driver more space and improved direct visibility.

  • Volvo Trucks 推出了距離警示這項新的安全功能,讓貨車司機能輕易與前方車輛保持更安全的距離並避免危急情況。 最近後車追撞前車的意外比例佔了貨車嚴重碰撞事故的 20% 左右。

  • 60年前,VOLVO的一項創新發明——三點式安全帶的問世,讓世界變得更加安全。無論是現在還是將來,VOLVO TRUCKS都將持續探索新型解決方案,以提升交通安全。1959年,VOLVO工程師Nils Bohlin發明了現代三點式安全帶,其設計專利後被無償共享給了所有制造商。這一特殊的決定讓每個人都獲得了更好的交通安全保障,不論他們是否駕駛VOLVO的產品。

  • Volvo Trucks 的電動連網自動駕駛車輛 Vera 屬於物流中心到瑞典哥德堡終站港貨物運輸整合解決方案的重要一環。 這項任務是 Volvo Trucks 與渡輪及物流公司 DFDS 之間新的合作結果。

  • Volvo Trucks 現在鄭重向各位介紹我們首輛全電動商用貨車 Volvo FL Electric,這是一輛適合擔任市區配送、垃圾清運及類似作業的電動貨車。新款貨車將從明年起在歐洲開始量產與銷售。在這款貨車問世後,Volvo Trucks 將成為市區貨品運輸電動化解決方案的領導者。

  • Volvo Trucks 將於 2019 年在歐洲推出電動貨車,而首批產品將於今年由選定的推薦客戶進行試用。電動貨車可大幅減少噪音與廢氣排放量,同時開創物流管理方式的嶄新局面。夜間可執行的運輸任務更多,交通尖峰時間在路上爭道的貨車就會明顯減少。Volvo Trucks 總裁 Claes Nilsson 表示:「Volvo Trucks 長久以來堅持『永續都市發展與零排放量』的理念,而電動車正與這項理念不謀而合。」

  • 以司機為主要考量與真正創新的駕駛室設計,使得 Volvo FH 在 1993 年甫推出便擄獲眾人的心。在當年,這款貨車更是最尖端技術的代表。 25 年過去了,這款貨車持續引領著創新風潮,在安全性與司機關懷設計上,更是直接影響著司機的福祉。 在環境關懷與生產力面向,Volvo FH 加入了眾多突破性解決方案,不但明確改變了貨車界的遊戲規則,更使得眾人期待其未來發展。

  • 近日,Volvo Trucks與挪威的Brønnøy Kalk AS公司簽署了一項具有裏程碑意義的協議——為其提供首個Volvo Trucks商業自動運輸解決方案,以將露天礦場的石灰石輸送至附近港口。

  • 提高交通安全,改善駕駛員的工作環境,這是Volvo Trucks推出全新駕駛員支持系統的初衷。該系統依靠Volvo動態轉向技術—— 一項輔助重型貨車轉向的突破性獲獎創新技術,為廣大駕駛員保駕護航。

  • Volvo Trucks準備推出一種新型的運輸解決方案,通過使用商用自主電動車輛,助力實現更加高效、安全、清潔的運輸。其長遠目標是,為需要在固定樞紐之間持續進行運輸任務的公司,提供現有產品的補充運輸解決方案。

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